
Confronting Radicals: What America Can Learn From Israel
New York City – the Big Apple – transformed to a ghost town, where peaceful citizens dare not tread. Macy’s – symbol of American free enterprise – shut down. Rioting, looting, murder, attacks on police, destruction of monuments to American heroes in numerous American cities, all in the guise of “protests” against racism. In a year of wild insurrection, there was a disturbing, eerie silence – even words of support for rioters from leading Democrat politicians. Why justify or ignore blatant expressions of violence and hatred? Is there a broader political agenda?

Trump and the Jews
One community on both sides of the ocean—the Jews—have been on the front lines of the continuing Trump debate that has gripped the nation. Many members of the liberal American Jewish community have been among President Trump’s harshest and most vociferous opponents, which raises the obvious question, “How can a president who has been so good for the Jewish people fail to receive their support?”

More Sparks From Zion
Israel is the one country that is mentioned in the media, and often excoriated, to an extent way out of proportion to its tiny size. With each terrorist attack, with each war, and yes, even with each lively internal controversy in the Jewish state, the world hears confusing reports from the remarkable miracle called Israel. But are they getting the full and accurate picture? Is Israel the “bad boy” of the Middle East or is it a “light unto the nations”? Then again, could it be something else altogether?

Sparks From Zion
How can we understand the attention focused on the nation of Israel? As the free world struggles with the dilemma of how to combat ISIS and other manifestations of Islamic fundamentalism, Israel appears on the front lines and in the news like no other nation.

Peace for Peace
Peace For Peace: Israel In The New Middle East, clearly explains the reasons why the peace process has always failed, and presents a realistic new peace plan based on biblical principles, historical justice, and common sense.

The Islamic Tsunami
With America’s Founding Fathers and the ancient but relevant biblical sources, David Rubin delivers a powerful and lucid battle plan for confronting the Islamic threat to our civilization; a bold strategy that will halt the Islamic tsunami once and for all.

God, Israel & Shiloh
A gripping Biblical and historical saga about the Land of Israel and the Jewish people, God, Israel, and Shiloh is a book about faith and struggle, set in Shiloh in the midst of Israel’s Biblical heartland.